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The Goal settings of an addled mind

Writer's picture: Rut GardarsdottirRut Gardarsdottir

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

I always feel it´s a bit daunting to create formal goals, big life-changing goals which in some cases could even affect my salaries at work.

I have been working with teams for many years, setting down short and long-term goals, working as an executive coach, coaching individuals on reaching their goals. Should be a piece of cake for me then, right?


being a highly dysfunctional, functioning attention deficit disorder (ADHD) person I never go from A to B. I constantly discover new and enticing sidestreets which means that I typically start at A, jump to Z, and then do random loops until I happen to meet upon B. Creative and fun but not very organized and the outcome can be rather random.

My solution? Self-knowledge, visualization of goals, and a follow-through method with a dollop of discipline.

ps. Humor is also recommended in instances when I fail spectacularly.

1. Self-Knowledge

Personal Goals have to be just that, personal and relevant and I have found it very useful to create goals by doing some pre-work first, both regarding my values as well as feelings.

My Values

What is the core of me? What do I stand for? What´s important to me? When my values are broken, it instantly feels like something deep within me has gone wrong, it´s almost physical (for me it relates to breaking my bones).

Creativity - Love - Continous Improvements - Transparency

There are various ways to find out your values, it´s good to meet up with an executive coach but there are also various online/offline tools. I love using my cards and have found out that although my goals never change radically between years, I change and mature, life happens, and there might be some life-changing events that affect my core values.

Emotional Introspection

For me, it can be challenging to look back and face complex and difficult emotions but if I´m not honest to myself, the goals will reflect exactly that.

Having reflected on the feelings of the past, it´s easy for me to turn it around and figure out what kind of feelings I need in my near future.

What are the feelings I would use to describe the past months?

What are the feelings that I want to characterize the upcoming ones?

I like using cards (sorry these are in Icelandic) that describe different types of feelings, making it visual but it can also be something as simple as writing it on paper/document or finding an online tool.

2. The Visualization/Creation of the Goals

OK, we are here at last! time to bring out the big guns and create the goals with the assistance of the pre-work I did.

My values (Creativity-Love-Continous Improvements-Transparency) are the natural starting point and in the back of my mind, I focus on the feelings I want in my life. In this instance I wanted my goals to reflect happiness, excitement, connection, pride, and courage.

I like keeping things very visual, using tools like Miro allows me the freedom to be a bit creative and playful, move things around, and group.

For my addled mind, I really like having the goals detailed, relevant (both for my personal and work-life), small, attainable and it should be easy for me to tell if I have achieved the goals or not. I also wanted to keep it lively i.e. have progress on the goals throughout the year (instant gratification) instead of just closing 1-2 goals at the end of the year.

3. Followthrough

It´s one thing to set down goals but then it´s the question of how to keep up the momentum and actually complete them. Revisiting the goals on regular basis is recommended and I decided to split up the goals even further so for the goal of blogging 1x a month I actually created 12 tickets (actions) in a Kanban board, one for each blog post.

4. Adjust and Adapt

Having started working on my goals I soon found out that some needed adjusting. This is where the iterative way of working kicks in. There is no way that I want to continue doing something if I find out, after having started on the journey, that it does not bring me value. I regularly need to take stock and adjust my goals. I like to use the visualization of a sailboat, I might have set off in towards a certain location but when I realize there are cliffs on the horizon, I need to change course to prevent a dastardly crash.

One of my initial goals was to blog internally at work on Confluence 1x a month. Having posted my first blog I felt that I got very little response, Confluence is mostly used for product documentation in my department and is only open for a small number of people in the company. It made me realize that although transparency was the main value I set out to support the blogging, there were some shadow values lurking in the background. My values of Love and Continuous feedback demanded that I shared my thoughts with a larger group of people, I wanted my blogs to be attainable, useful, and even valuable. I also wanted to get feedback and learn more about myself and others through the process of continuous interaction with like-minded people. When I started to do a bit of research I soon found out that many blog hosting sites have a certain format and even ads blinking in your face while you are reading and it made me realized I wanted to be in control of my own Creativity, I furthermore wanted to decide on the design and use only my own pictures and words to express myself. Setting all this up took up more time if I had just continued blogging at the inhouse Confluence page but at the same time, the goal became more valuable to me this way.

5. Did I reach all my goals?

The goals I created in this example were for a whole year, which is a long time period for goals. The longer the time frame, the higher risk of not reaching the initial goals. As discussed in 4. Adjust and Adapt I might have to adjust my goals along the way. Furthermore, a lot of life happens in a year and things out of my control might affect my goal priorities and/or the time I have to focus on them. This does not mean that everything is ruined and I am an utter failure. Remember to show self-care and understanding.

For the milestones and goals you reach, celebrate! 🧡


Oct 20, 2021

RUT! I've read this over and over! I have a kanban board (post-it notes on my kitchen cabinets) where I have my goals for the month, I continually adjust and adapt and have different coloured notes to distinguish personal goals and career goals. BUT! I've never considered what my personal values are, at work we have redefined our company values. I've thought a lot about if the company values match mine or not. But reading this makes me realise I haven't independently considered my values. I've evaluated the company values against my gut feeling but haven't taken the time to really think about what's important to me and how that guides me. And emotional introspection, I feel that I am good at…

Rut Gardarsdottir
Rut Gardarsdottir
Oct 20, 2021
Replying to

love your feedback Erika and to hear about your methods. thank you for sharing! ❤


Logi Helgu
Logi Helgu
Sep 25, 2021

Wonderful the cards and going all the way to the feelings...Miro visualisation is so nice and your follow through with adapting...I would say you far exceeded your goals just with this blog...thx for sharing and inspiring <3

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